Back to school can be a time for enormous helpings of excitement. It can also be a time of unknown, great change and growth.
Every season of sleepwear we make, we hope to create a design that fills your kids with wonder and imagination, while at the same time providing them with comfort and security.
I hope this little craft does the very same thing for your kids at a time when they might just need it the most.
We have worked out an easy peasy way for the biggest beginner crafter to create a little hand made first aid kit for your kids both and small this school year.
We hope it encourages an adventurous spirit while reminding them of your love that surrounds them, always.
warmest wishes and sweetest dreams,
georgie x
PS - I made one of these for my very grown up brother in law this new years and it came in oh so handy! So not just for the little loves in your lives!

what you will need:
one of the many fabric bags you have lying around from pillowcases etc
an assortment of first aid bits and pieces
5-10 minute project

Step One
I made a card template 90mm x 90mm so that I could make use of the full bag and cut a handful kits at the same time.
Lay your drawstring bag flat, with openings in line.
Hint if you cut you bag at the top, finished opening of the bag you can cheat and only sew two sides!

Step Two
Cut your bag - being careful not to lose the drawstring on each side.
pull the looped side of the drawstring through on each end to form a knot on the opposite side - this will form the drawstring for your new bag.
Hint I cut 9 little bags out of my bigger bag, they will vary in how much work they need for each as you will not be able to use existing seams/ top drawstring tunnels for all of them. You will need extra cord for the rest of your bags!

Step Three
Turn your bag inside out and pin the two sides which are not already sewn. If you have a machine, stitch these two sides in no time!
If you are hand sewing your two sides together there is a simple tutorial here to follow.

Step Four
Once you have sewn your edged together, turn the little bag back to the right side.... and you are DONE!Pack your kits with a few little necessities and a whole lots of love!
In my kits I put:
plasters of a few shapes + sizes
small pots of lip balm + antiseptic
Hint (I use recycled mecca make up sample pots)
emergency hair tie

Step Five
Pop them in your kids backpacks with all of the other new year necessities... like drink bottles, pencils + fresh PJs!